Help with travel costs

Get around by bus for less

To help people with cost of living pressures and save on everyday travel costs, the government is extending the £2 bus fare cap on most routes in England outside London until the end of December 2024.

Visit your local bus operator website for more information about the cap in your area. Further information on the cap and participating operators can be found on GOV.UK. can also be used to plan journeys and find more information on available routes.

Cheap and free days out

Explore hundreds of free and affordable events happening across the country. See what’s on in your local area, from affordable theatre tickets and free exhibitions, to fun family activities at your local library.

Find free and affordable things to do near you with this interactive map

Free bus travel for older and eligible disabled people

In England you can get a bus pass for free travel when you reach the State Pension age.

Apply for an older person’s bus pass

If you’re disabled then you may be eligible for a disabled person’s pass if you live in England.

Apply for a disabled person’s bus pass

Save 1/3rd on rail journeys

You can get up to a third off train fares with a railcard in Great Britain, saving up to £142 a year on average.

Save one third on rail journeys with a railcard

50% off travel if you’re on Universal Credit

You may be eligible for a Jobcentre Plus Travel Discount Card if you’re on Universal Credit.

Find out more information on the National Rail website

Cutting fuel duty

In the Spring Budget 2023 the government extended the fuel duty cut on petrol and diesel of 5 pence per litre for a further 12 months, as well as cancelling the planned inflation increase for 2023-24. Over 2 years this means a saving for drivers worth around £10 billion overall, and for the average car driver around £200, £400 for the average van driver and £3,000 for the average haulier.